Solutions for Health Care Leaders and Hospital Administrators
Imagine that you are listening to a fellow health care executive give a report on his/her organization’s many recent achievements at a leadership conference. The results quickly capture the attention of the entire audience:
1. Type 2 diabetes:
- A decrease in incidence due to reversal and prevention of disease
- A decrease in diabetic complications
- A decrease in pharmaceutical costs due to diabetes
- A decrease in referrals to specialists for conditions related to diabetes
2. Obesity:
- A decrease in incidence
- The virtual elimination of gastric by-pass procedures
3. Arterial disease (i.e. coronary artery disease, hypertension):
- A decrease in the number of stents and by-pass procedures
- A decrease in readmissions for recurrent coronary events
- A decrease in pharmaceutical costs for conditions such as hypertension and coronary artery disease
4. Improved financial status of the organization
5. Improved indicators of job satisfaction among workers
6. Membership growth
S/he explains that the pivotal decision was to shift the organization’s focus from tertiary prevention (i.e. controlling chronic disease with the use of medications and procedures) to secondary prevention (i.e. stabilizing and curing chronic disease without medications or procedures). The presenter next reviews their new program for supporting primary prevention (i.e. preventing the onset of a disease). S/he concludes with an upbeat review of their plans to develop sustainable high performing clinical teams. Together these teams will work together toward the organization’s goal to deliver world-class service.
Presentations for front line staff and leadership groups
My presentations can help medical organizations achieve similar results. My presentations to front line staff emphasize the science and clinical applications of secondary prevention while introducing the important non-clinical concepts (i.e. innovation, quality improvement, service, finance). My presentations to the leadership group expand on these non-clinical concepts while giving an overview of the clinical science.
My presentations are designed to bridge the “gap” between front-line health care professionals and leadership groups.
For leadership groups I persuasively outline my case for focusing on chronic conditions that account for 80% of health care costs. I begin by reviewing the key principles of natural capitalism, which include innovation in complex systems and finance. I present the science and appropriate goals for arterial disease (e.g. coronary artery disease, hypertension), type 2 Diabetes and obesity. I recommend a decision model for getting buy-in from key front-line health care professionals. I propose a path for accelerating improvement using the “freed” up resources from stabilizing, reversing and curing chronic diseases. This path includes gain sharing to invest in the development of clinical teams; the financing of future innovation; and a system to deliver primary prevention.
My presentations are designed to bridge the “gap” between front-line health care professionals (e.g. physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, health educators) and leadership groups (e.g. medical administrators, physicians and nurses in leadership positions). My expertise in primary and secondary prevention allows me to tailor my presentations to include general medical audiences, primary care departments or specialty departments.
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