Solutions for Everyone
The medical industry has generated an ever-increasing wave of testing, diagnoses, drugs and procedures that is taxing our citizens, communities, businesses and government.
Medical costs have increased from 5.2% of GDP in 1960 to 17.3% in 2009. The number of people on medications is increasing such that in 2007 over 25% of children were taking a chronic medication and over 25% of people over age 65 were on 5 or more medications. Despite the best efforts of many hard working, well meaning, highly educated professionals in the medical industry and government, the situation is not improving, in fact the wave is getting larger.
I present the important scientific studies that show how chronic disease can be prevented, stabilized, reversed and often cured.
My presentations to lay audiences are designed to provide information and recommendations that can be used to avoid this wave of “disease care”. Based on my experience as a certified physician executive and patient safety officer I make a case that the medical industry, food industry and government at this time are not useful in creating health in our population. I present the important scientific studies that show how chronic disease can be prevented, stabilized, reversed and often cured. These studies coupled with information about today’s food industry make a compelling case for everyone to consume a low-fat, plant-based diet with Vitamin B12 supplementation. I review the answers to the most common questions about supplements and protein.
Based on my 30 years of experience as a Family Medicine physician, I present approaches that have proven useful for patients and their families. My handout provides references for further study including those for specific disorders including heart disease, diabetes, obesity, cancer and arthritis. I also provide recommendations for the best resources to keep up with the latest in prevention and treatment.
My presentations can be tailored to meet the needs of my audiences. For instance I can focus on a specific chronic disease the needs of a specific age group.
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