Meals for Health Program
“Meals for Health” is a one-month intervention designed to create dramatic improvement in the participants’ quality of life. EarthSave spearheads the program in collaboration with the McDougall Clinic to provide intensive education, support and medical care. We partner with a local sponsoring organization. By teaching people to make healthy food choices they are able to prevent, reverse, stabilize and/or cure chronic disease(s). Although the medical results and cost savings are impressive the testimonials by graduates of the program are compelling. The first program was at the Sacramento Food Bank and the second program was at the Progressive Missionary Baptist Church of Berkeley.
Learn about the success at the Sacramento Food Bank…
View the video testimonials from Progressive Missionary Baptist Church Berkeley…
Ben and the Whole Foods McDougall Program
In December 2003, Ben was diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes. He thus began the typical journey of most patients in today’s medical industry. Over the next 7 years he accumulated medications and was seen regularly by physicians who focused on “disease care”. You can see the results of this “care” in this March 2011 photo…
Ben was fortunate to be working for Whole Foods Markets (WFM). WFM is working to improve the health of their workers at the same time they are reducing the burden of their medical costs. Ben enrolled in the March 2011 Whole Foods McDougall program in Santa Rosa California.
Learn more and see how Ben faired…
Healthy Living Program
Healthy Living Program is a program sponsored by the Folsom Physical Therapy and Training Center. They are committed to providing unparalleled physical therapy for their patients and advanced education for physical therapists. In 2013 they invited Dr. Forrester to give a series of five free community lectures on the prevention and reversal of chronic conditions. The presentations covered Arterial Disease, Diabetes & Obesity, Neurological Conditions, Autoimmune Disorders and Dispelling Nutritional Myths. They also provide office space for Dr. Forrester to see members of the community on a fee-for-service basis. Learn more about their various services at