My presentations are tailored to meet the needs of the individual attendees
and the sponsoring organization.
I couple my experience as a clinician and innovator with relevant scientific studies designed to motivate individuals to change their beliefs and behaviors. However, achieving dramatic improvement in both patient care and the performance of organizations requires additional concepts developed outside the medical industry. I combine key concepts from management, quality improvement, natural capitalism, and levering change in complex systems with the best clinical science in primary and secondary prevention. I view each presentation as a “prescription” for each attendee to achieve dramatic improvement in their personal and professional lives.
Depending on the needs of the sponsoring organization my presentations can be given as a single presentation, a series or seminar.
Request a presentation(s) or contact me for further information… »
A Partial List of Presentation Topics by Audience:
For the General Public
I provide information for individuals who wish to avoid chronic disease and disability while minimizing medications and avoiding procedures. The chalkboard talks work best for groups under 80 attendees but can be done with larger groups if desired.
Formal presentations to larger groups
(> 80 attendees)
Delaying Death and Avoiding Disability
(Vegetarian Society of Hawaii: 2018)
Avoiding Drugs, Procedures & Disability
(Renaissance Society Sacramento State: 2018)
Moving Upstream: The Prevention Prescription
(San Francisco Veg Club: 2011, 2013)
Avoiding Chronic Disease and Disability
(San Francisco Veg Festival: 2013)
Actions for Personal Health and Wellness Series
(Series of 5 Presentations at Folsom Physical Therapy and Training Center 2013)
Knowledge Solves the Omnivores Dilemma
(Consumnes River College: 2014)
Avoiding Chronic Disease and Disability with a Plant-based, Whole Food Diet
(Sacramento State Renaissance Society: 2014)
Better Care, Lower Cost, Better Service
3rd Annual World Congress on Prevention and Wellness(2013)
Reversing the Tragedy of American Health Care
Los Angeles Healthy Lifestyle Expos(2011) Watch the video
Community-wide Interventions to Cure Disease
Los Angeles Healthy Lifestyle Expos(2013)
Curing US Health Care
McDougall Advanced Study Weekend (2013) Watch the video
Chalkboard Talks to smaller groups
(<80 attendees)
- Sacramento City College Classes (2015-2018)
- Sacramento City College Flex Day for Faculty (2013, 2015)
- Globe Mills Senior Project (2013)
- Sacramento Vegan Society (2013 – 2018)
- Military Widows (2016, 2018)
- Retired Military (2018)
- Carmichael Rotary Club (2018)
- Zest Kitchen (2017)
CME Presentations for Quality Improvement Programs
My presentations demonstrate the power of quality improvement techniques when wedded with the relevant sustainability principles and the best science in primary and secondary prevention.
Building a Foundation For Breakthrough Improvement in Outpatient Teams
Mini-ATP Program Intermountain Healthcare (2008)
Primary and Secondary Prevention & Quality Improvement
ATP Program Intermountain Healthcare (2014)
CME Presentations for Health Care Professionals
These presentations provide a new and useful perspective as well as information on how to prevent and reverse significant chronic conditions. They bring together important concepts from the fields of engineering, medicine, quality improvement, human learning, sustainability, and complex systems. They focus on diabetes, weight loss, arterial diseases as well as neurodegenerative diseases. They can be applied to any chronic condition once the basic concepts and process is understood. Unlike most CME presentations these talks also introduce the individual attendees to concepts and information that can be used to improve their own personal health. The conditions covered can be tailored to meet the organization’s goals.
General Medical Staff
- Kaiser Permanente: (Sacramento, Roseville, Richmond)
- Sutter: Mills-Peninsula Medical Center
- Mercy Medical Group (Sacramento)
- Right Care Initiative (Sacramento)
- Grand Rounds UC Davis Family Medicine Program
Primary Care Departments
- Adult Medicine
- Pediatrics
- Ob/Gyn
Quality Improvement Programs
- Building a Foundation for Breakthrough Improvement in Outpatient Teams (Mini-ATP program, Intermountain Healthcare, 2008)
- Primary and Secondary Prevention and Quality Improvement (ATP program, Intermountain Healthcare, 2014)
Medical School/Residency Training Programs
- UC Davis Family Medicine Block Program
- Sutter Family Medicine Block Program
- CSNS Medical School Program
- International Conference on Nutrition in Medicine
For Health Care Leaders
My presentations introduce Health Care Leaders, both clinical and non-clinical, to important concepts and considerations in how to create healthy populations. I present some innovative approaches to weathering the transition to lower costs
My presentation(s) demonstrate the power of leadership and proper when welded with the best primary and secondary prevention. Whether fee for service or prepaid or hospital or clinic based, my presentations are tailored to demonstrating the power of quality improvement techniques when wedded with the relevant sustainability principles and the best in primary and secondary science.